Mark Jacobs annonce encore plus d'infos inédites!

Mythic Entertainment

Mark Jacobs s'est encore une fois entretenu avec la communauté WAR sur le forum américain de nos collègues VAULT-IGN. Suite au communiqué de presse d'aujourd'hui officialisant la sortie du jeu au 18 septembre, il nous donne encore plus d'informations sur la suite des événements.

Découvrez avec nous les différents points concernant la NDA, l'Open Beta, les joies de la pré-commande et pleins d'autres choses (and much much more...private joke! ;-)

Je vous offre donc un résumé de l'intervention musclée de MBJ sur les forums IGN :

  • Cette semaine, l'annonce de la date de sortie du jeu ne devait pas se faire mais les événements l'y ont un peu forcé (les revendeurs qui annoncent des dates, la coordination avec les partenaires etc). La date du 18/09 est optimale pour le lancement simultané en Europe et en Amérique du Nord.
  • Mythic a regardé les sondages, les voeux des joueurs, le marché etc et a pris la décision de garder le même prix pour les abonnements que ceux du marché actuel des MMO, ce qui devrait réjouir les joueurs.
  • Pour les pré-commandes des éditions collectors et standards, il y aura un "Week-end Preview" en plus de l'Open Bêta. Ceux qui ont pré-réservé la version Collector auront la priorité cependant. Le client sera téléchargeable par différents moyens, bien entendu sans rien débourser. Ils tablent sur 100 000 joueurs pour les tests de charge et le test du jeu en lui-même. D'autres personnes seront invitées si le nombre n'est pas assez chez ceux qui ont pré-réservé le CE.
  • Un jour de plus sera donné pour ceux qui auront pré-commandé la version collector lors de l'accès anticipé (Head Start), et pour ceux qui ont la version standard, cela restera au nombre de jours prévu.
  • Pour ceux qui ont pré-commandé le jeu, ils ont le plaisir d'annoncer qu'ils seront invités dans la Bêta fermée dès la semaine prochaine, s'il rentrent dans les requis côté matériel.

  • Pour le lancement de l'Open-bêta, la date sera annoncée plus tard quand les détails seront déterminés définitivement.
  • Enfin, en ce qui concerne la levée du NDA, ça sera certainement la semaine prochaine quand ils auront réglé les problèmes restant (qui seront évoqué lors de la levée) : en fait l'un a déjà été réglé et les deux derniers prochainement (mais sont moins importants).

Ce que nous pouvons dire, c'est que Mark Jacobs s'exprime principalement pour l'Amérique du Nord. Nous ne savons pas si la majorité de ce qui a été révélé ici peut être pris à la lettre pour l'Europe. Nous attendrons donc une communication officielle de la part de GOA sur ces divers points.

En tout cas, ce sont d'excellentes nouvelles qui relancent le buzz Warhammer Online. La semaine prochaine sera donc une période pleine de rebondissements et le public pourra normalement enfin connaître les dessous de table du jeu. Une promesse est une promesse! Malheureusement, je ne serai pas là pour suivre les événements, mais l'équipe WAR-JOL sera attentive à ce qui va se passer. Bonne attente, bon jeu et bonnes vacances pour ceux qui partent (comme moi ;-).


Well, the big day is here as this morning saw some major announcements hit the newswire. I’ll now go into some detail regarding the press release as well as make some other announcements here. I’ll also give some color to the stuff that has been swirling around here lately:

1) Our launch date of September 18th is indeed official. Last week I had said that this week’s news wasn’t going to cover the release date but some things came together just a wee bit faster than we expected (and how surprising is that?). Plus, with the retailers announcing the date (though some did put in the wrong date), we felt that we owed it to the community to announce our release date a little earlier than planned. Coordinating all the partners, retailers, etc., is as usual, *interesting* so we made the decision to announce the date today. As always, that date is still dependent on the remainder of beta going well, but as of this morning we are still on track for the 18th. As to why it’s on a Thursday, in order to ensure a simultaneous launch in North America and Europe and Oceania, we determined that Thursday was the optimal day and date. Coordinating a simultaneous launch in North America and Europe alone is quite challenging and because we did not want our European customers to have to wait even a few days longer than those in North America, we chose Thursday as the best possible day of the week to launch. With a launch on the 18th, WAR’s development time will still rank as one of the shortest of any major North American and European MMORPGs to date. I am amazingly proud of our team’s effort and I hope, in about a month, you’ll agree that WAR is a great MMORPG.

2) As to the subscription pricing, this subject has been debated continually since we announced the development of WAR. We have been very upfront with the community about our willingness to charge more than what is the current “established” MMO subscription rate, just as we did when we launched DAoC. We have seen lots of polls, heard lots of comments and after much thought and discussion, we decided to keep prices on the same level with the competition. We know that the vast majority of the community will be happy with this decision so we’re happy to be able to do this for our players.

3) Regarding the pre-order, Collector’s Edition and the Standard Edition, I’m pleased to announce that we will be holding a special “Preview Weekend” in addition to the normal Open Beta. Those people who pre-ordered the CE will be given priority entrance into the PW. You will need to download the client (of course) from one of several download options, none of which will require any additional payment of any kind. Once the CE buyers have had their chance to register and download the client, we will allow our Closed Beta testers into the PW as well. We would like to have around 100K people load testing and playing the game so depending on how many CE purchasers sign up for this, we will invite other people into the PW as well.

4) Regarding the pre-order, Collector’s Edition and the Standard Edition, we are extending the Head Start for the pre-order CE (not the SE) buyers by at least an additional day as an added thank you for buying our CE. Just as with the PW, no additional fee will be required to play in our Head Start.

5) Regarding the pre-order, Collector’s Edition and the Standard Edition, we are pleased to announce that we will also be inviting our pre-order CE buyers into our Closed Beta test starting next week. There will still be some hardware spec requirements (but they are much lower than our current requirements) since we are still in Closed Beta but we expect that the vast majority of our PO CE buyers will meet the lowered requirements. We gotten a lot of feedback from the community on this point over the last few weeks asking for this and we are now going to make it happen.

6) Regarding the start of OB, we are still working out all the details and when we are 100% locked into a date, we will be happy to confirm it unequivocally. As the history of MMOs has shown, a bad OB can hurt both the long-term and the short-term the success of a game just as surely as a great OB can help the game succeed and we need to make sure that we are ready for OB on the day it begins.

7) Regarding the NDA lift, we hope to lift the NDA next week, one month before launch. I wish I could lift it right now but as I’ve said elsewhere, we need to take care of a three issues before the NDA is lifted. One has already been taken care of and I hope that by the end of next week, the other two will be taken care of as well. Once we lift the NDA I’ll go into more detail as to what the issues were and why I wanted to hold things up. The remaining two issues are not earth-shattering by any means but when I explain things, I hope you’ll understand why I wanted to wait another week.

So, that’s it for today’s announcements. We will have more over the remaining weeks before launch but I believe that all of these announcements are both great news for the community and well in keeping with our long-standing approach of talking with and getting feedback from the community. Whether it is the longer HS, the extra PW or the subscription pricing, we have shown that we are responsive to the needs/desires of our community and will act accordingly.

I hope that these announcements both fulfill my promise of major news this week as well as news that was going to make the entire community very happy. This message is chock full of more positive things that almost any I have been able to deliver about WAR since we signed the deal for Warhammer three years ago.

I also hope that these announcements, taken along with the previews that we have been receiving, show the community that WAR is both coming and coming along nicely.


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