I am Legend
Since the MMOs have been created, every players were secretly dreaming of being admired, sought, cared for, cheered, challenged, decried, even hated by their colleagues. Indeed, who has never seen himself on the highest steps of the Glory in a virtual game?
This is less than ten years since the MMORPG invaded the world of video games : everyone plays an avatar, which is shaped over time, a character, a life of its own, a pomp and protocols... It lives in a more or less closed community. As in real life, there are those who stand out and the others. In which category of player are you part of?
Big thanks to our « Guest Star » Lobster Johnston, who is also the author of the comics for the Moot's blog, who has accepted to specially make the following comic for me.
PS : Beware, this article is humoristic and can't be taken too seriously. Keep smiling, you are filmed !
In Warhammer Online, there will be a lot of different ways you can choose in order to get into the Hall of Fame. Let's see several ones :
- Be the First to put the foots into the Old World on the chosen server...
Romeo Knight : Prepare your camping gas and your tent! First, retrieve your CE box, then open your online account and finally connect to the overbooked server... For the names of your characters : first arrived, first served ... If your nickname is already taken, then you can not win this challenge! I know who will ask vacation days... Yourself? xD
- Be the First to ding level 40 in the World, in Europe, in your own country, in your server, in your career, in your realm, in your guild... Wanna dance? Just listen to the awesome parody of the "Power of Tzeentch" while feasting !
Romeo Knight : That's the "Kikoo attitude" or "Roxxor attitude" ! Don't forget to put your new Kikoo armor ! Hey, did ya see my new brand kikoo hat ?!?! Well, that's not circus here. (PS : "kikoo" means saying hello in French language, but here it means someone wanting to show the world how awesome he can be)
- Be the First to capture and claim a Keep...
Romeo Knight : Every guild is running like hell in order to be first claiming an awesome keep... That's fun and that demonstrates how powerful you are in the first moments of RvR. However, you will be the first target to be shot at, don't forget it ! Now, you gonna have to be the Best otherwise people would laugh at you...
- Be the Leading force in your realm : the one who creates RvR rules and tactics, who bands all the guilds together, who leads the Bus (or the Imperial Star Detroyers as we liked to call it in DAoC) or who organizes all the events on the server... Join the Empire he told us... Well, still looking for a Dictat... hmm a Chief for the Imperial dudes ! The last one got stoned by his mates.
Romeo Knight : In order to win together with the community, you will need a realm boss, a man or a woman with balls, able to lead the wicked troops to victory, with or without a wheep (who said masochist ?)... Only the Chosen ones (from Chaos ?) will be recognized, venerated or hatred (does this remind you someone ?)... Will you take this insane responsability ?
- Be the First in your Career to have the highest Reknown points in order to admire your own statue in da Capital city... Rhaaa isn't it AWESOME ?
Romeo Knight : Yeah, you got it pal! Everybody will be able to come and praise upon your statue in the Capital city ! Alas, don't fall asleep because if your city is not under protection, then the other badasses will come to beat your statues down ! Come on !
- Be part of the Guild which has got the biggest Reknown points of the server or of the Realm...
Romeo Knight : A strong guild is a living guild ! Being part of it allows you to proudly go around like a young chicken with your beautiful Heraldry on your cloak ;-) Nevertheless, keep the head very cold and on your shoulders because it could inflate like a melon and explode like a balloon when it's becoming too hot :p There should be Guild Chronicles on the Internet too. This is an example from Dark Age of Camelot :
- Be the most well-known player in your career...
Romeo Knight : The hardcore Teams will try to get you into their guild and will pull your clothes off like fanboyz ! Waaaaaaghhhhh ! The problem is that it's going to make jealous guys in your own guild or inside the team that wants you... At the end, they may rip the clothes, and you would end wearing the Barnett's thong like every good star !
Romeo Knight : I can see you all playing with your weird stuff behind your back ! But you won't be smiling anymore whenever you meet the Star Destroyers ! Kikoo that's me, kikoo I'm dead meat § ! humpft... If only I knew it, I would not have accepted... Me stupid Gobelin...
- Be the best explorator of all the times...
Romeo Knight : That's easy, all you have to do is to exhibit your Tome of Knowledge to everybody as proof, even offline ! Really awesome, even Indy would be jealous ! Everybody will be able to consult the living and legendary encyclopedia of the server ! Be cautious, because all the beginners would ask you how to finish their first level 1 quests... !
- Be the First to capture a King and to bring him back home (also the 3 of them if you dare)...
Romeo Knight : people are excited like madness, and you run and jump into the crowd like a star jumping like an angel into his fans ! Ohohoh, that trick doesn't work any time, so you might fall onto the ground like a sh...
- Be the First to finish a big hard Pve Dungeon (out of the Kings' instances) ...
Romeo Knight : Yeah there are a lot of thing to do for everybody. Finishing a big dungeon brings proudness... But hey, do not forget that WAR is a RvR game ;-) Don't stay all the time inside the caves...
- Be the First to own an awesome epic war mount with all the WAR mount stuff...
Romeo Knight : while running along on your mount with hairs in the wind, you will be able to rag your poor litle friends who are running barefoots ;-) Don't be too much teasing as the dwarves are very sensitives...

- Be the First to reach the highest Crafting rank at the State of Art...
Romeo Knight : don't look after the little green bar ! In WAR, you will be obliged to have fun while crafting, that is so paradoxal ! Create your own formulas with lots of components while mixing the cauldron ! There will be blood, believe me... Hide yourself, it's gonna blow ! If you don't like crafting, then you could open a mushroom's plantation in the fields or become the worse Choppa butcher of the Realm !

To resume this humoristic piece of paper, all the meams are good if you wanna become a Legend in WAR. Will you take up the Challenges ? As far as I am concerned, I feel too old for that. Let's the youngest people do it !

05/13/2008 - Article written by Romeo Knight, WAR-JOL staff. Comics drawn by Lobster Johnston.
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